The Physicians' Choice for Weight Loss® Program is overseen by credentialed scientists with proficiency in health, nutrition, exercise, and fitness. In addition, Physicians’ Choice for Weight Loss® consults experts to ensure that its lifestyle/weight loss program reflects the latest scientific thinking.
Virginia Noland Dodd PhD, MPH - Associate professor in the Department of Community Dentistry and Behavioral Science in the College of Dentistry. She has researched child obesity in five counties at high risk in the state of Florida and presented her findings to Governor Jeb Bush’s task force on child obesity.
Karla Shelnutt PhD, RD - Assistant Professor in the department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences (IFAS) at the University of Florida. She is currently the program coordinator for the Elder Nutrition and Food Safety Program in IFAS Extension. Certified in Childhood and Adolescent Weight Management through the American Dietetic Association.
Kathryn Sarantos, MD - Pediatrician for Alliance Pediatrics in Gainesville, Florida. She has a special interest in addressing childhood obesity at the clinical level.
Steve Dodd, PhD - Professor and Chairman, in the Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology in the College of Health and Human Performance at the University of Florida. He has performed extensive research in the area of inactivity and its adverse effects on the metabolic components of health.